What you need:
3 rectangular strips of mirror
A colored sheet
Butter paper

Step 1- Take three strips of mirror and join them in a shape of prism with a tape as shown in fig 2.

Step 2- Then take a colored A3 sheet to cover the mirror with the help of glue and cut the extra sheet.as shown in Fig. 3. It looks like Fig.4.

Step 3- Cut a triangular sheet to put it on one end and make a hole in the center as shown in fig. 5

Step 4- Then paste the triangle on the one end of the kaleidoscope as shown in fig 67

Step 5 – take the butter paper and cut it in a triangular shape and then paste it on the other end of the kaleidoscope as shown in fig. 8.

Before pasting the butter paper make sure that put some colorful beads and broken bangles in side it to see the pattern

that’s amazing and wonderful can you make some more of these?