आइंस्टीन की जीवनी

अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन का जन्म 14 मार्च 1879 को जर्मनी के वुर्टेमबर्ग शहर के उल्म में हुआ था। छह हफ्तों के बाद परिवार म्यूनिख चले गए, जहां बाद में उन्होंने ल्यूपॉल्ड…

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Read more about the article A threat to human health “cancer” and Reasons behind cancer
A child udergoing chemotherapy

A threat to human health “cancer” and Reasons behind cancer

A threat to human health “cancer” and Reasons behind cancer Cancer Cancer is a disease. In this disease, abnormal cells divide and expand without control. Scientists say that cause of…

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Why Graphene batteries are better than Lithium ion batteries

Graphene-based batteries are by and large effectively considered for an assortment of business applications. The enhanced execution and life cycle benefits when creating graphene-based batteries over traditional metal-particle batteries are…

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