Motion in a plane
According to Stefan, we can order events in time and there is a sense of time, distinguishing past, present and future. Is, therefore, time a vector? Similarly current has magnitude…
According to Stefan, we can order events in time and there is a sense of time, distinguishing past, present and future. Is, therefore, time a vector? Similarly current has magnitude…
Edwin was observing a yellow candle flame, his partner Harry claims that the light from the flame originates from excited sodium atoms in the flame. Edwin disagrees with Harry. According…
Moving Charges and Magnetism: James Bond fire an electron gun in east direction to hit his target in the north direction. How could it be possible? Can you explain?
Nuclei Sam is interested to know two things about nucleus.1. Why is a neutron stable inside the nucleus but decay in 900 sec in free space? 2. It would be…
Magnetism and Matter Peter is doing some experiment on a bar magnet. He heated the bar magnet to 1000 degree centigrade and then cooled in a magnetic field-free space. He…
Integration Formulas In mathematics, science, and engineering an integral is a useful tool that can describe displacement, area, volume, and other properties that arise by combining infinitesimal data. Integration is…
The derivative of a real-valued function measures the rate of change of a quantity (dependent variable) with respect to change in another quantity (the independent variable). Derivatives are a fundamental…
When two charged conductors of the same size and same material carrying charges are brought in contact and separated, the charges on each of the conductors will be. Differentiation Formulas…
Fundamentals of Energy Science and Technology: The demand of energy is increasing by leaps & bounds due to rapid industrialization & population growth , the conventional sources of energy will…
Question: How can we assert if electron is really elementary ? Might not What is regarded as elementary today be found to be composite tomorrow ? After all, the atoms were…