Special Theory of Relativity
Special Theory of Relativity Today when I visit a school some students come to near me. They were asking me about the special theory of relativity. One of the boys…
Special Theory of Relativity Today when I visit a school some students come to near me. They were asking me about the special theory of relativity. One of the boys…
Cheeru: So you want to know about Venus? Viju: I want to know how Venus is visible through a telescope? Description: Venus in real colors, processed from clear and blue filtered Mariner…
Assignment: Kinetic Theory of Matter B.sc I…
Europa the moon of Jupiter Europa is one of the Galilean moons of Jupiter. The surface of Europa is solidified, secured with a layer of ice, however, researchers think there…
Consciousness is related to awareness, free will, thought, memory and subjective experience. According to Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose research paper in Science Direct “Consciousness in the universe” Consciousness…
Graphene-based batteries are by and large effectively considered for an assortment of business applications. The enhanced execution and life cycle benefits when creating graphene-based batteries over traditional metal-particle batteries are…
Suppose we could do as the plants do, and feed specifically off the sun's vitality. It would positively make our lives less demanding: The incalculable hours spent buying, getting ready,…
Is black hole reality or a myth? Is black hole reality or a myth? According to the principle of physics, we can not see the Black Hole but we can…
The acronym of DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acids The acronym of DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acids. I think everyone heard of DNA at least once in their lifetime. The acronym…
Magnetism and Magnetic Properties Important Definitions and Formula Magnetism IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS AND FORMULAE A. MAGNETS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 1. Magnets: Magnets are of two types (i) natural magnets and (ii)…