Very short answer questions (1 Mark)
- Write the relation between number density of holes and number density of free electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor.
- Write the value of resistance offered by an ideal diode when (i) forward based (ii) reverse biased.
- Write any one use of (i) photodiode (ii) LED.
- Write the truth table for a two input AND gate.
- At what temperature does a semiconductor behave as an insulator?
- Write two uses of logic gates in daily life.
- If L and C are the inductance and capacitance of the tank circuit of an oscillator, what will be the frequency of oscillation?
- Semiconductors do not support strong current i.e., a semiconductor is damaged when strong current passes through it. Why?
- Draw I-V characteristic of a solar cell.
- What is the phase difference between input and output waveform in the common emitter transistor amplifier?
- What type of feedback is required in an oscillator? Why?
- What is the direction of diffusion current in a junction diode?
- Draw a circuit diagram showing the biasing of a photodiode.
- Name the semiconductor device that can be used to regulate an unregulated dc power supply.
- Name the p.n. junction diode which emits spontaneous radiation when forward biased.
- Name any one semiconductor used to make LED.
- What is meant by ‘regulation’ as applied to a power supply?
- A semiconductor device is connected in a series circuit with a battery and a resistance. A current is found to pass through the circuit. When polarity of the battery is reversed, the current drops to almost zero. Name the semiconductor device.